Cost of Studing in USA
The cost of education in the USA varies between the states and the institutions.
Average tuition fees per year range from $15,000 to $60,000 (Private Institutions) and $10,000 to $20,000 (State Institutions)
Living expenses per year – $10,000-$16,000
USP of USA as a place to live
The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic comprising of 50 states, a multicultural nation with variety of ethnic groups, traditions and values. It’s one of the most favored study destinations for millions of students around the globe. To top it all, US universities offer extensive opportunities for education and internship.
Estimated expenses for Undergraduate and Graduate Courses comprises of two things:
- Tuition Fees
- Living Expenses
Scholarships, Grants, Fellowships are based on the student’s academic performance of international students. Tution Fee waivers are provided but are strictly merit based so students don’t have to fill any separate form like federal students can do so for availing need based scholarships.
Further, Financial Aid funding is also granted at PG level but again this strictly depends on the students’ credentials.
There are various types of scholarships offered.
Fellowship scholarship – This scholarship is awarded on the student’s ability, competence and performance.
Graduate Assistantship Scholarship – Is awarded for the students who involve in teaching or research assistantship. It can be given as cash, stipend or fee waiver. This is normally called RA or TA
Sports Scholarship – Is offered to outstanding athletes students.